Led by Cornett’s owner and CEO Christy Hiler, the Own It movement hosted its first in-person event—the Women’s Agency Ownership Summit.
The sold-out NYC event attracted more than 90 women agency owners from around the country, with a shared mission to increase female agency owner’s share of voice and share of market.
Attendees heard from industry heavy-hitters who provided tools for female and non-binary agency owners to collectively strengthen their voices and power.
Speakers included Cindy Gallop, founder & CEO of MakeLoveNotPorn, Marissa Nance, Founder & CEO of Native Tongue Communications, and Judy Pollack, Executive Editor at Ad Age, to name a few.
Owners left inspired, connected, and with meaningful advice to grow their business.
Own It has grown into a community full of total badass agency owners. Seriously sharp, incredibly accomplished and powerful women on their own.
And we, together, are a force coming for this industry.
To learn more visit untilyouownit.com